The way is found from within and it will be found from within as well. Ideas are found from outside, but the path or way is found from within.
Author: Sumit Sharma
I’m a mystery.
I’m a mystery. The purpose of life is to find me. I will show you the way in life. Search me, I am within you, hidden in the secret cave of your heart. Not in the physical heart but in the indelible sky of heart.
Where did aryans come from?
Are Aryas or Aryans not the original inhabitants of India? Latest historical researches have now proved that the Aryans did not come from outside India, but were the original inhabitants of India. The word Arya is a Sanskrit word, and if we look at it, Sanskrit is primarily a language of ancient India. This proves Read More …
Where and how did Hindus originate?
Hindus are indigenous people of India, it is believed that they originated near Sindhu or Indus river. Due to their residence near the Indus River, their name became Hindu. The Persians pronounced the word Sindhu as Hindu, if you look closely, Hindu is a distorted form of Sindhu. Hindu came from Sindhu. Most scholars believe Read More …
My Spiritual Journey
My spiritual journey started with the mantras of the Vedas. I found such a secret in one mantra of the Vedas that my entire life turned from worldly to spiritual. Call it the effect of the mantras or because of their influence, something happened that pulled my entire focus towards spirituality. This happens again and Read More …
Our Origin
We have got this body in this world, we have got this body on this planet earth, we have not brought this body from any other planet or from outside. When our body is made on earth here, where have we come from? Are we coming from another planet? Our mysterious origin. No one knows Read More …
What is our civilization and culture?
Before knowing our own civilization and culture, it is necessary to know what would happen if we did not have any civilization and culture. If we did not have any civilization, what would be our heritage, what would be our culture, and what would be our tradition? We would not have any human culture and Read More …
What is the Secret?
Secret is here. The secret that is working here is working there as well, that which is working there is working here as well. Go far and further anywhere in the world, his authority is established all over. That person who does not understand the unity of the world, who believes that a different secret Read More …
Who am i?
There is a mystery that we are searching for, this mystery exists in our life too. In the search of life, have you ever tried to know “Who am I?” A person does not know in his entire life where he came from and where he goes at the end of his life, between these Read More …
Where we come from?
Our origin is a mystery, we did not come from stardust. Our origin is spiritual. Not from the stardust. How can a living being originate from a non-living entity? Spiritual Origin. Our origin is spiritual, in fact there is no end and no beginning. Our birth and end which is called death, is a transmigration.