Can everyone teach philosophy? Nowadays everyone has started becoming an expert and a Guru, everyone has started teaching philosophy, they have no aim in life but they have started teaching like a master. As if a blind man is showing the way to another blind man.
What should be done?
Stop learning from everyone, follow the ancient, follow the ancient teachings, follow the ancient knowledge and philosophy and learn from them only. Learn from those who have good knowledge of scriptures and philosophy, not from everyone. If those who have no aim in life teach philosophy, then understand that they will definitely trap you.
Philosophy can be learned from someone who is spiritually connected, who has the highest goal of life and knows about the ultimate goal of life, who has knowledge of ancient scriptures and is well versed in ancient philosophy, like one who has good knowledge of ancient Vedic scriptures and Vedas.
Don’t make everyone your Master.
Not everyone is a Spiritual master (Siddha Guru), knowledge of spirituality and knowledge of ancient scriptures is necessary.
If you make an ignorant person your Guru or master, you will be ruined and your life will also be ruined. .
Unless you find a good master and a good guide, you will keep facing hardships.You will not find the right path and goal in life.