Secret is here.
The secret that is working here is working there as well, that which is working there is working here as well. Go far and further anywhere in the world, his authority is established all over. That person who does not understand the unity of the world, who believes that a different secret or energy is working in different parts of the universe – who visualises such various notions he follows in the footsteps of death.
We are searching for a secret, we already know this. But what is this secret? How can we know the secret? Where will we find the secret? Is there any special place where we will find this secret?
The real truth is the secret.
The truth is not out there anywhere, the truth is hidden, the secret of the truth is hidden, truth is here and its secret is here..
What is the secret?
What is the secret of life? What is the truth of life? Where have we come from and what do we have to do, what is our purpose in life, how do we live our lives, all these questions are the basic questions of life for us. And to know all this, we will have to know the secret and its truth.
Truth is very ancient.
If we want to know the truth, we have to know our ancient origin. We have to know the beginning and origin of the entire human race, and then we have to know the origin of this universe, its origin is very ancient, we have to know our ancient origin. To know our ancient origin, we have to follow the ancient path, we have to find the source of this ancient path.
Source the ancient path.
The source of the ancient path lies in ancient philosophy.
To follow our ancient path, we will have to resort to ancient philosophy. There is no path other than ancient philosophy, there is no other way, there is no other way to reach the truth.